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Conquer Cravings Reclaim Your Life

Cat Dillon RHN

Imagine a life FREE from the relentless grip of food cravings and emotional eating.

The Craving Breakthrough Program isn't just another diet—

it's your roadmap to lasting food freedom.

Discover the hidden triggers behind your cravings, master ​powerful techniques to overcome emotional eating, and transform ​your relationship with food. No more guilt, no more endless cycles ​of restriction and bingeing. It's time to nourish your body and soul, ​reclaim your power, and step into a life where food serves you, not ​controls you. Your breakthrough moment is here—are you ready to ​seize it?

Before I tell you about the program,

let’s make sure you’re a good fit.

If you’re someone who’s struggled with emotional eating, stress-induced ​cravings, or a complicated relationship with food, then you already know:

🥕 Quick-fix diets don't address the root causes of your eating habits.

🥕 Willpower alone isn't enough to create lasting change.

🥕 There's a strong connection between your emotions and your eating patterns.

🥕 Stress, anxiety, and depression can significantly impact your food choices.

🥕 Simply knowing what to eat isn't solving your challenges with food.

You've likely tried various methods to regain control, from strict meal ​plans to mindfulness apps. You understand that the solution goes ​beyond just what's on your plate.

If this resonates with you, then you're in the right place!

The 30 Day Craving Breakthrough live online course offers a step-by-step ​approach to help you reset your eating habits, overcome emotional eating, ​and cultivate a healthy relationship with food for a lifetime of wellness.

By the end of this program ​you will:


Understand emotional eating triggers

and master techniques to manage emotions ​without resorting to food.


Learn to differentiate between cravings ​driven by true hunger and those

rooted in emotions.


Break free from overeating

or using food as a coping mechanism

with mindful eating.


Gain insight into how food affects your ​biology through mindfulness, leading to ​informed choices.

Homemade green detox smoothie
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Cat is very knowledgeable.

I would definitely ​recommend her to

friends and family.

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I came away with a ​comprehensive action ​plan to put in motion.

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Hi, I'm Cat Dillon, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and transformational life coach. My passion? ​Helping women in midlife reclaim control over their wellbeing and discover true food freedom.

As a trauma-informed practitioner, I understand that wellness isn't just about what you eat—it's ​about how you feel, think, and live. That's why I've dedicated my career to uncovering the root ​causes of weight, gut, sleep, fatigue, and mood issues that so many women struggle with.

I don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, I dive deep into your unique story, using ​personalized assessments and lab analysis to create a tailored plan that works for you. My ​approach goes beyond simple dietary advice. I'm here to empower you with practical skills and ​knowledge, from understanding food labels to mastering intuitive eating.

My goal is to transform your health journey from a stressful struggle into an empowering,

life-affirming experience. Through our work together, you'll discover how to feel

more connected, fully alive, and balanced - both inside and out.

If you're ready to say goodbye to food struggles and hello to vibrant health, I'm here to

light the way. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

30 Day

Craving Breakthrough Program

What do I get when I sign up?

Let's take a look!

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What's Included:

Inside this comprehensive program, you'll discover practical ​tips & techniques to sustainably help you reset your eating ​habits, cultivate mindful eating practices & improve your ​personal relationship with food.

Module 1

Unraveling Overeating and Cravings: ​Understanding Unhealthy Behaviors With Food

Module 2

Hormones & Cravings: Navigating the

Hormonal ​Impa​cts On Your Eating Habits

Module 3

Nutrients & Supportive Foods: Managing Stress &​ Glucose Levels Through Nutrition

Module 4

Eating In the Real World: Practical Tips For​ Maintaining Healthy Habits In Everyday Life ​


Mindful Eating Jumpstart:

5 Steps to Curb Mindless Eating

A 3-day jumpstart to improve heightened ​awareness and mindful eating habits. This resource ​not only guides you in curbing mindless eating but ​also highlights the positive impact of heightened ​awareness on overall well-being.

(6 gorgeous pages)

Elevate Your Well-Being:

The Inner Wisdom Eating Summit

Step into a realm of timeless wisdom and transformative ​insights as I host the Inner Wisdom Eating Summit, ​featuring an exceptional lineup of distinguished experts ​in the fields of food and emotional eating. This exclusive ​summit brings together luminaries* who have dedicated ​their expertise to unraveling the complexities of our ​relationship with food and emotions.

(22 videos)

*Trish Nelson, Stephanie Dodier, Rita Black, Marci Moberg, Julie Simon, Dr. Osborne,

Dr. James Greenblatt, Dr. Dalton Smith, Dr. Arland Hill, A.J. Jaykumar, and Andrea Lieberman


If you fully engage with the program and do not see any improvements in your eating ​habits, weight, mood, or overall well-being within 30 days, I will offer you a full refund. To ​be eligible, you must request the refund in writing and provide proof that you have actively ​participated in the program for at least 10 days. I am confident that my evidence-based ​approach and comprehensive support will lead to positive changes in your life.


Q: I've tried so many diets and programs before. How is this one different?

A: Unlike traditional diets that focus solely on food restrictions, my program addresses the root causes of your eating habits. This isn't just ​another meal plan – it's a transformative journey that equips you with lifelong skills to manage your relationship with food. By tackling the ​emotional and psychological aspects of eating, you're not just changing what you eat, but how and why you eat. This comprehensive approach is ​your opportunity to break free from the diet cycle and achieve lasting change.

Q: I'm worried I don't have time for another program. How can I fit this into my busy schedule?

A: I understand that time is precious, which is why I’ve designed this course to seamlessly integrate into your life. My unique approach focuses on ​small, manageable changes that compound over time. Instead of requiring hours of your day, I teach you to bring awareness to moments you're ​already experiencing. This isn't about adding more to your plate – it's about transforming your existing routines. The time you invest in this program ​will actually save you countless hours of struggling with food in the long run.

Q: Can't I just learn this information from books or free online resources?

A: While there's certainly valuable information available in books and online, my program offers something crucial that self-study can't: personalized ​guidance and a supportive community. My unique methodology combines cutting-edge research with practical, real-world applications tailored to ​your specific challenges. You'll receive direct feedback, participate in group discussions, and learn from others' experiences – all of which accelerate ​your progress. This program isn't just about acquiring information; it's about implementing lasting change with expert support every step of the way.

Q: I'm afraid I'll fail at this like I have with other programs. What if I can't stick with it?

A: Your past experiences aren't failures – they're stepping stones that have led you here. My program is designed with this fear in mind. I don't ​expect perfection; I celebrate progress. My unique approach focuses on building self-compassion and resilience alongside practical skills. You'll learn ​to view setbacks as valuable learning opportunities rather than failures. Plus, my supportive community and ongoing guidance ensure you're never ​alone in your journey. This isn't just about sticking to a program – it's about creating a sustainable lifestyle that works for you, even when life gets ​challenging.

Q: Is there a guarantee? What if the program doesn't work for me?

A: Absolutely! I stand behind The Craving Breakthrough with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. I’m confident in the transformative power of this ​program, but I understand that it's a significant investment in yourself. If you fully engage with the program and do not see any improvements in ​your eating habits, weight, mood, or overall well-being within 30 days, I will offer you a full refund. To be eligible, you must request the refund in ​writing and provide proof that you have actively participated in the program for at least 10 days. I am confident that my evidence-based approach ​and comprehensive support will lead to positive changes in your life.

Q: Remind me of what I am getting today

A: Great question! When you enroll in The Craving Breakthrough, you'll receive:

  • Lifetime access to all course materials
  • 4 core modules, released weekly to optimize your learning experience
  • Downloadable worksheets and action plans for each module
  • Four weekly live trainings taught by Cat
  • Access to our private community forum for peer support
  • Bonus #1: (Webinar Show Up Live August 20) “7 Day Mindful Eating Challenge Guide”:
  • Bonus #2: (Early Bird before Friday midnight PST). “Mindful Eating Jumpstart: 5 Steps to Curb Your Mindless Eating” PLUS “Inner Wis​dom Eating Summit R​ecordings”
  • Bonus #3: " (Available September 2) “Mindful Eating Visualization R​e​c​ordings”

The course follows a drip schedule, with new content released weekly over 4 weeks. This pacing allows you to fully engage with e​ach module without feeling overwhelmed. You'll have immediate access to the introduction and first module upon enrollment, with subseque​nt modules unlocking each week t​h​ereafter.

While I recommend following the weekly schedule for the best results, you have lifetime access to all materials. This means you can r​evisit any module at any time, even after the 4-week pro​g​ram ends.

All bonuses will be available in your course dashboard, with specific release dates as no​ted above.

Remember, my goal is to provide you with a transformative experience at a pace that sets you up fo​r success!

How to Know if You’re Ready to

Achieve Food Freedom:

Beautiful Older Woman Standing in Study Smiling

You're tired of the constant mental chatter ​about food and eating


You find yourself turning to food for comfort, ​even when you're not hungry


You want to understand your body's true ​needs and honor them


You're open to exploring the emotional ​aspects of your eating habits

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I’m REady for Food Freedom!



Pattern with Chamomile.

22 Videos


The Craving Breakthrough Program

30 Days

Join us for this transformation!

30 Day Craving Breakthrough

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Transform Your Relationship with Food: The Time is Now

I've been where you are. I know the struggle, ​the frustration, and the overwhelming desire for ​change. That's why I'm so excited to share The ​Craving Breakthrough Program with you.

This isn't just a course—it's the culmination of ​years of research, personal experience, and ​helping countless others break free from the ​chains of emotional eating and food obsession. ​I've seen lives transformed, confidence rebuilt, ​and joy rediscovered. And now, I want that for ​you.

I understand the fear you might be feeling. The fear of trying something ​new, of potential failure, of confronting deep-seated habits. But I want you ​to know that this fear is exactly why The Craving Breakthrough exists. It's ​designed to guide you gently yet effectively through this transformation.

Remember, this journey is entirely risk-free. We offer a 100% satisfaction ​guarantee because we believe so strongly in the power of this program. ​The potential benefits—food freedom, emotional well-being, and a life no ​longer controlled by cravings—far outweigh any apprehension you might ​feel.

You've already taken the first step by reading this far. Now, I'm inviting you ​to take the next step.

Join us in The Craving Breakthrough. Let's embark on this transformative ​journey together.

Your future self—calmer, more confident, and free from food struggles—is ​waiting. Are you ready to meet them?

With excitement and belief in your potential,


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Establish habits that honor your unique needs

and support your overall health and well-being.

Heart Plate

Become more aware of your ​body's signals and be able to ​nourish it appropriately.

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Young Woman Hugging Herself  on Pink Background



& release shame

or guilt

Develop a more positive and

loving attitude towards food

& your body.

Couple Cooking Together Indoors
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Foster a sustainable

relationship with food

Understand the reasons

behind your

food choices &

learn to


to them


happy and sad girl

Distinguish physical hunger ​from emotional cravings

Understand the reasons ​behind your food choices ​and learn to respond to ​them positively.

Empower your eating starting now!

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